Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Communication Skills For Effective Communication - 929 Words

Criteria: Based on your examples from each principle of effective communication (General, Interpersonal and Written), describe the potential barriers (problems) to effective communication in the presentation, as well. Remember to state the problem and then how this can affect communication. Introduction I am going to describe how communication skills are used effectively in the presentation. General Communication Skills General communication skills are a way of expression or exchanging ideas and thoughts between people. We can use the different techniques of communication skills such as cultural differences, adapting to audience, format of the language, accuracy of the related topic, engaging an audience and be aware of the time zone. All these skills should be properly used between each others. Cultural differences It is known that cultural differences exist between people with different national traditions, languages and religions. People may behave according to their own beliefs and this may look unusual. People may misunderstand each other. For example Scottish and English have different accents. The words are pronounced with a different dialect. Other countries may have to use different meanings of the same hand gestures during the presentation. For example same hand gestures can have a lot of different meaning in countries as United States of America means OK, Japan means money, Russia means zero and in Brazil you can insult someone. Adapting EveryShow MoreRelatedEffective Communication And Communication Skills Essay1146 Words   |  5 Pagestogether as a team to collaborate, delegate and consult. In order for this team effort to be effective, good communication skills must exist between medical professionals. Many times, messages can be altered and interpreted differently; if the conditions for transmission barriers develop. 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